I Create With Light

We are all creators. We are creating all of the time. We are here to create with light, and when we do, we create more love. 

This spoken word Energy Guide from Lee, featuring the Musical Medicine Mantra I Create with Light, composed by Lee and Davor Bozic, focuses on reconnecting you with your own light and your innate creative abilities.

This combination of the Energy Guide and Musical Medicine Mantra can be especially helpful when you are feeling stuck and like you can’t create or when you want to increase the quality of love, light, and higher frequencies as you create. 

You may want to keep a journal nearby to write down the thoughts and insights about your creative process that may arise as you listen, helping you integrate the experience. The music can also be played on repeat to infuse your environment, and you may feel inspired to sing and dance along to internalize the words channeled by Lee and the healing sounds created by Davor.


Running times:

Full Energy Guide with Mantra: 20.39 minutes

Musical Medicine Mantra: 9.16 minutes


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