I Love My Body

A spoken word Energy Guide from Lee focused on inviting a more sensual, loving, and grateful relationship with your body, followed by the Musical Medicine Mantra - I Love My Body, composed by Lee and Davor Bozic. 

I really hope this mantra can help you to have a new relationship with your body. Even the creation of it had an effect on me. And remember, our bodies change all of the time. They change in age, size, and shape. Sometimes we may have a physical illness or an ailment that changes part of our body, but while we are still alive, we are being served by our bodies on a daily basis.” - Lee 

This combination of the Energy Guide and Musical Medicine Mantra can be especially helpful if you're struggling with your body's health, vitality, or appearance. Our body is constantly in motion and ever-changing on a cellular level. So, if you were sending thoughts and feelings of love toward your body, imagine how much more aligned your body could become for this moment of your life, this phase of your life, and this stage of your life. 

You may want to keep a journal nearby to write down the thoughts and insights about your relationship to your body that may arise as you listen, helping you integrate the experience. The music can also be played on repeat to infuse your environment, and you may feel inspired to sing and dance along to internalize the words channeled by Lee and the healing sounds created by Davor.


Running times:

Full Energy Guide with Mantra:  24.31 minutes

Musical Medicine Mantra: 9.07 minutes


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