Episode 20: Musically Me

Kamica is a multidisciplinary artist with a radiant presence whose soulful nature and music can be described as inspiring, uplifting, and affirming. With her background as a board certified music therapist, she is the founder of King Creative Arts Expressions through which she delivers live performances, talks, and inclusive arts-based programs that engage audiences while promoting health and social-emotional wellness. Her TEDx talk is entitled, The Power of Song, and she’s also been featured by the Kennedy Center (Arts Across America) for her youth empowerment work with Musically Me Unlimited. Kamica’s mission, in part, centers on equity, collective joy, liberation, and healing with a lot of music and a lot of love!

In this heart-centered conversation, Lee and Kamica explore:

  • (08:51) Her song, Live, Love, Dream, and the power of the lyrics.
  • (09:55) When she started classical musical training and studying voice.
  • (11:26) What music therapy is, the nuances, and some of her experiences.
  • (21:47) Musically Me Unlimited and how it came to be.
  • (40:31) How she identifies as an artist at her core and what led her back to her artistry and self-care.

To learn more about her work: http://www.kamicaking.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/KamicaKing/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/kamicaking/?hl=en
YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/KamicaKing


Episode 19: How to Deal with a Narcissist as an Empath

Over the course of 16 years leading workshops around the world, teaching online courses, and holding private one-on-one sessions, Lee has helped thousands of people navigate the relationship struggle that often arises between narcissists and empaths.

As a first step on a healing journey, we have to be willing to take a good look at ourselves — at our behaviors and belief systems. Those of us who identify as empathic often get caught in specific patterns and we must learn to recognize those patterns in order to move past them.

In this special episode, Lee teaches clear and practical techniques for overcoming this dynamic and avoiding it in the future.


  • (9:07) Know who they are without illusion.
  • (18:24) Know who you are without illusion.
  • (23:49) Know where your support is coming from.

Want to go deeper with Lee’s work? Join us beginning March 10, 2023 for his acclaimed online course, Empaths vs. Narcissists - A Power Dynamic and How to Recover From It. This powerful healing journey features over 10 hours of video teaching, a Live Q&A call with video replays provided, guided qigong practices to facilitate grounding, audio downloads of all course content, a private members' forum and much more! Registration is open now at


Episode 16: The Karma Lady

Garz is an energy healer, author, and teacher who has studied and is certified in over twenty different healing modalities, ranging from Reiki to 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing. Her purpose is to assist others in living their divine purpose and she uses a combination of different techniques to remove traumas, trapped emotions, and limiting core beliefs to enable people to manifest abundance, freedom, and joy. Her workshops empower empaths, highly sensitive people, and intuitives to learn various energy healing and psychic development modalities. Garz has written two children's books, The Kindness Guru and Flipper Feet Pete.

In this conversation, Lee and Garz discuss:

  • (07:59) Her appetite for learning which started with acting and dance, but then led her to energy healing.
  • (09:24) Her initial resistance to being a healer and how that was activated by her son.
  • (12:27) What happens in a session and how she is impacted energetically.
  • (18:00) The ways intense self-judgment and limiting beliefs factored in for several years and how the Universe kept guiding her despite those.
  • (24:40) How the desire to find a teacher for her son led her to teaching publicly and what motivates her to continue.
  • (30:46) Why she wrote her children's books The Kindness Guru and Flipper Feet Pete.

To learn more about her work: https://www.chineseenergyhealing.com/
To learn more about her workshops: https://www.alchemistsartshealing.com/
The Kindness Guru: https://amzn.to/3XXC8ic
Flipper Feet Pete: https://amzn.to/40kBsFc
IG: https://www.instagram.com/garzchan/?hl=en


Episode 13: The Other Side of Saying Yes

Monica Lawson is a Spiritual Advisor and co-author of Chase You with Elizabeth Kendig. A near death experience following a tragic car accident awakened her ability to hear, see, feel, and know the "Other Side." She has had the privilege of giving readings to people from all over the world, in all walks of life, faiths, and belief systems. Her mission is to help people discover their purpose, connect to their spiritual gifts, and co-create a life that leads to more joy.

In this heart to heart conversation, Lee and Monica discuss:

  • (03:07) Her childhood near death experience - the gateway to her invitation to the "Other Side."
  • (09:36) How she is brilliantly stubborn with the "Other Side" - the 3 A's.
  • (15:07) How her readings began and what made her realize she should stop doing them.
  • (18:07) How her book, Chase You, came to be; asking for what she needed, her partnership with co-author Elizabeth, and the creative process as a collaboration.
  • (23:28) Her experience of saying "yes" as an introvert and someone who is private in her work.
  • (40:21) The importance of clearing the energy of a space.

Rebirth: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/rebirth-2023
Use the code: Impact10 for a 10% discount. 


Episode 11: Vibrate Higher

Lalah Delia is a spiritual writer, trauma-informed wellness educator, certified spiritual practitioner, founder, and instructor of Vibrate Higher Daily School. She is the bestselling author of Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, and through her writing and work, she guides readers around the globe on a journey back home to their empowered, higher-potential, whole selves. Through her lyrical and organic writing and teaching style, Lalah enlivens spiritual seekers looking to live with more intuition,  higher purpose and vibrations, and subconscious mind reprogramming.

In this conversation, Lee and Lalah discuss:

  • (06:01) When she knew she needed to vibrate higher.
  • (07:41) The impact her grandmothers (also her namesakes) had on spiritual meaning in her early life.
  • (16:08) How plant medicine changed her life - the connection it made to frequency, energy, and vibration.
  • (18:59) The significance of remembering who she was and being the hero of our own story.
  • (23:54) Her perspective coming into 2023.
  • (40:38) Saying yes without hiding herself, and the discomfort of that.
  • (43:26) High vibrational parenting.
  • (52:10) Music as medicine - why she is challenging artists to raise their vibration.

To learn more about her work: https://www.vibratehigherdaily.com/
To read her book: https://amzn.to/3jXBHp3