Lee Harris began doing intuitive readings out of his home in England, 2004, as a part-time healer. Now based in California, he has built his company, Lee Harris Energy (LHE), into the multi-media, worldwide event company and production house it is today. Leading a ten-member international team, Lee is passionate about grounding creative spirituality into these challenging times. He is also determined to see people experience impactful and abundant lives while supporting each other through community.  

Leading a vibrant online community, Lee reaches hundreds of thousands of people every month. His monthly Energy Updates are wildly popular and offer practical guidance for navigating daily life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism. His acclaimed Soul Magic and Energy Mastery retreats and Energy Tune-Up seminars, held around the globe, are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving, and awakening.

In recent years, Lee has expanded his work to include teaching entrepreneurship through his Impact the World training program, online courses and his free, weekly Impact the World podcast which launched in 2020. 

For Lee, his life-changing moment with spirituality happened in 1998 when he heard the voice of his spirit guides, The Zs. This relationship resulted in a well-spring of channeled guidance. While the spiritual partnership remains vibrant and strong, the channeled teachings are now mostly reserved for audio recording sessions, some live events and the monthly Q&A broadcasts with Portal members.





For media inquiries contact Wendi Cohen at [email protected].


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Photos above by Tanya Malott.

Photos below by Nico Loayza.


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