In this excerpt from Rebirth 2022, Lee shares some insights from his guides, The Z's, and some personal examples of moving through the spiral of healing past trauma, which empowers us to recover our life-force.

Curious about the Rebirth 2022 experience?

All of the course content is ready to be viewed at your own pace! Scroll down to find all the details and registration...


Join Lee Harris for an Immersive Channeled Workshop Experience Online

All modules are available as streamable video files, downloadable audio files and typewritten transcripts.

Register Now for $111 USD
Portal Members Register for $88 USD

Here's what People Had to Say about their Experience in  Rebirth 2021


The 6 Days of Teaching

These modules will be available to you as soon as you register and you'll retain lifetime access so that you can revisit them as often as you like.

Empower Your Soul for the Energies of 2022

Empower Your 2022 Habits and Patterns

Empower Your Soul Mission for the Energies of 2022

A mindfulness/movement session from acclaimed teacher, Steven Washington.

Empower Your Soul Relationships for the Energies of 2022

Ask Your Questions and Empower Your Abundance for the Energies of 2022

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Portal Members Register for $88 USD

A Message from Lee and The Z's...

The theme for this year’s REBIRTH 2022 journey came through loud and clear:

The Empowerment Sessions.

What a time we are currently living through, and my guides, The Z’s, have never been more explicit about that. Over the past year, they have explained multiple times how purposeful these times are, not just for our personal growth, but our growth as a people and as a world. And yet, these times can be tricky to navigate. As part of our ‘powering-up’ as people, it often involves shedding parts of ourselves, our programming, and our beliefs along the way.

Our soul is always wishing to become more part of our daily human experience, but we have been so well trained (and contained) as humans, that we often forget how to include our soul in our daily lives.

That is what REBIRTH 2022 is all about.

This will be our 5th Annual REBIRTH event, and this year I am including a lot more of the Z’s channeling than I have in prior years. You'll receive over 4 hours of content with the Z’s on empowering your soul, your humanity, your heart, and your voice for these times, focused specifically on the year of 2022. 

These teachings are supported by several hours of grounded teaching on how you can best empower and take care of yourself as we move through 2022, from both myself and special guest teacher (and Master of well-being), Steven Washington. 

Our intent is to help guide you to a new level and way of both being and doing in 2022.

The whole journey begins with an exclusive audio channel, ‘Your Garden of Higher Consciousness’ and we have many other great audio and video bonus features.

If REBIRTH 2022 feels right for you, I and my team would love to help you navigate the year ahead with a whole lot of focus, support and elevation for both your soul and your humanity. 

Message from the Z’s:

"We know many of you are scared, or have been scared, by what you are seeing on your planet over the past couple of years. Energy is contagious and fear has been one of the dominant contagions of your last 2 years. Not all of you have been swept under by it, but some of you have been shocked by it or thrown sideways by this new wave on Earth.

And yet, you always knew in your soul that these were the times you were incarnating for; times of major and significant transformation in Earth's history. The ending of an old cycle and the birth of the new human soul.

This time of transition you are going through in the outer world and your human systems, is no different to a shedding on the inner planes of your own illusions, misbeliefs and conditioning. A shedding of the parts inside that have compressed and suppressed the wider parts of who you are, and why you are here.

Meeting you in the understanding of that, and expanding your ability to deepen into who you are here to be will be our focus in the REBIRTH 2022 transmissions we will deliver.

2022 will be a ride, unlike any other the Earth has yet seen. It will bring with it a propulsive energy of change, yes, but along with it, a lot of love, support and grace amidst all the movements that will take place. 

Collective Fear, which has been encouraged and generated as a dominant theme on the planet since early 2020, will begin to change into Collective Grief in 2022. Not necessarily grief over world events, or the kind of grief that gets you stuck and shut down as a human. No - we mean more a collective grief that inspires awakening energy as more and more will come to see that what they thought was the truth, was in fact, an illusion. And this will be emerging in 2022 in a myriad of ways, some of them very unexpected to the collective.

The Rise of Heart Energy, is what will follow the grief period, and in a big way. That period is slated for 2024 onwards. “So, why the grief?” Some of you ask. Especially those of you who perhaps only currently see grief as a negative energy or experience.

Grief is the great transformer, and always leads to rebirth in a profound way. Grief, while often seen by the outside eye as only a difficult or regressive state, is in fact an energy where your soul becomes very alive, and begins to get pregnant with new possibility. 

After the shedding, comes the new. 

So, that is why we can tell you that 2022, especially the deeper into the months you go, will be a hugely potent and creative time for so many of you.

It will be our joy to work with you through Lee, and also be alongside the other elements being offered for this galvanizing, uplifting and powerfully soul-catalyzing experience.

If you feel to be with us, we will see and transmit to you soon.

In peace and in love,

The Z’s

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Portal Members Register for $88 USD

The Experience Includes...

4 Channeled Sessions from Lee and his Guides, The Z's

Experience the very latest channeled teaching across 4 modules to prepare you for the year ahead.

An Exclusive Channeled Audio Recording

"Your Garden of Higher Consciousness" is a fascinating channeled recording that looks at our role in the transformation of the planet at this time. It concludes with a brand new song from Lee & Davor Bozic.

A Grounded Teaching Session with Lee + Q&A with Lee and The Z's

Lee delivers practical teachings on how to empower yourself and take care of yourself for the year ahead. He also answers audience questions to give clarification on the teaching and to address personal needs.

Audio and Video Replays, Worksheets + Written Transcripts of Every Session

Full videos of every session are provided alongside downloadable audio recordings, supplemental PDF worksheets and typewritten transcripts so you can experience the teaching in whichever way you prefer.

A Movement and Mindfulness Training from Steven Washington

Become grounded with a Qigong & Mindfulness session (designed for all levels) taught by movement and meditation guide, Steven Washington.

A Private, Interactive Discussion Forum to Go Deeper with the Work 

Connect with the Lee Harris Energy Team and your fellow course attendees in our private discussion forum to form connections, ask questions and discuss the course material.

All of this PLUS a free app (optional) for easy access on mobile devices, bonus teachings, lifetime access to all materials in your private members' area, and dependable customer service to ensure a great experience and more...
Register Now for $111 USD
Portal Members Register for $88 USD

Feedback from Rebirth 2021...

"I can't begin to share with you what an amazing, wonderful, magnificent experience Rebirth has been for me so has answered everything that I have been doubting about myself and my path.

It has helped me feel more certain about myself and what I have been able to achieve so far. Wow!!!! I feel so joyous, vibrant, happy...Thank you, thank you, thank you Lee, all your team and the Z's."

- Bibiana Lopez

"Oh my Goodness! I just caught up with Module 3 tonight - so very powerful, practical and inspiring. I've never been part of a community like this before, and I'm just clicking my heels in delight!"

- Sue G.

"This Rebirth is AMAZING! The energy movement is profound. I'm grateful for far too many things to list. This community is such a source of Love."

- Day H.

"I can feel how fiercely the whole Lee Harris Energy team is holding all of us. Thank you for the safe container. And thank you to all the participants all over our beautiful globe showing up, creating this collective synergy for our rebirth. This healing is for the whole planet."

- Shaula Z.


An Exclusive Channeled Message with Accompanying Music from Lee and Davor Bozic

Available to You as Soon as You Register. Not Available Anywhere Else. 

This fascinating recording will be made available to you as soon as you register...

Lee and composer/producer, Davor Bozic, have teamed up to create a 46-minute channeled audio journey that looks at our role in the transformation of the planet and consciousness at this time, and the soul truths we are able to access now that we're living at higher frequencies than ever before.

This recording is not available anywhere else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to take the next step in your spiritual evolution?


About Lee Harris

Lee is a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive and Transformation Guide, who offers grounded, practical teachings focused on helping conscious, intuitive, and sensitive people heal, thrive and live a better life. His book, ENERGY SPEAKS, became an instant bestseller in March 2019, and his intuitive messages reach hundreds of thousands of people every month via his free and highly popular monthly Energy Update videos. With over a hundred audio recordings and online courses for navigating a soul-led life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism, Lee also mentors creatives, healers and entrepreneurs on how to bring their gifts and talents into the world via his weekly IMPACT THE WORLD video podcast. His online course experiences and live workshops held around the globe are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving, and awakening. As a musician and artist himself, Lee deeply believes in the power of our creativity for healing, and incorporates sound-healing and creativity into many of his works. Lee and his musical collaborator, Davor Bozic have released 4 acclaimed albums over the past year including Awaken, Transmissions Volumes I and II and their latest release, I Am Peace. Details on the music can be found here:

About Steven Washington

Steven has been teaching Qigong at events around the world since 2015. From the many participants at these events, and in his one-on-one sessions, he has found that this gentle movement practice is a brilliant, effective tool for anyone wishing to balance themselves and shift energy within their body.

His life-long passion and a key foundation to his own spiritual fitness has been movement. He had a long career touring the world as a contemporary dancer, and also appearing on Broadway (and touring productions) in Disney’s The Lion King. He is a certified Lee Holden Qigong instructor and has taught groups and individuals for over 20 years in Pilates, Dance, Physical Fitness and Qigong. His study of Chinese medicine and certification as a Neuromuscular Massage Therapist have added to his knowledge of the body.

He leads his popular Core Qigong community which features live classes online every Tuesday.