Energy Blueprint for
A Weekend with Lee & The Z's

March 20-21, 2021



Tuesday, March 16, 2021


As a creator, you are multidimensional.

You create your life just as you create experiences for others, energy with others, and you receive and take in energy and experiences that are created around you that you need or resonate with.

Creation is VERY multidimensional on Earth and never more than now. No parent on Earth is ‘just’ a parent, even though that is one of the most creative relationship roles you can have on the planet. All humans have many roles within them and finding the areas of your life and roles in your life that AT THIS TIME feel like the most empowered direction for you to walk toward, will be key this year. Equally, identifying areas that you can empower in a bigger way will be key.

There will be support for you as you do this. You will attract what you need at the times you will need it. Remember that truth and then it will show up as truth in the physical.

The Earth is currently allowing a rise of Empowered Creators like never before, and in the coming 3-5 years, those Creators who are able to serve others while ALSO serving a higher way of being in themselves and with others, will be modelling a new way of being for the world. A more communal and multidimensional way. Built on the foundations of some old traditions yes, but bridging a more conscious way of being on the planet.

This bridging happens collectively because of what you individually allow yourselves to become and grow into. So, are you ready to allow yourself to become an Empowered Creator?

Multidimensionality is slowly becoming the main currency on Earth in the collective (as well as the individual) and so this is a very new time in (and for) the mainstream of human consciousness. Those of you empowered creators who can lead with love and an awareness that everything is connected to everything else will help to usher in the changes needed in the coming decades.

REMEMBER, to be an empowered creator you do not need to have this figured out today. This is something you will continually grow into and become if you align yourself with as many of these qualities as you can:



And when you have aligned yourself with these qualities in a deeper way, you are able to share and generate those energies with and for others.

And remember, an Empowered Creator is a multidimensional role. It looks different on different people and at different times. It will look different for you at different times.

An Empowered Creator can be someone who changes the consciousness level of a conversation by speaking their truth peacefully and lovingly in a conflict, changing the outcome and the outlook of those involved. Offering a higher road for all to consider and follow, through being an embodied example.

An Empowered Creator may be the one who figures out how to provide as many supportive circumstances as possible for a family, a group or an individual they are supporting or parenting on a daily basis.


EMPOWERED CREATORS ARE IN INSIDE EXPERIENCE - how it looks to the outside world will be different depending on your role.

You are all CREATING a new world together in a series of cumulative and unique moments and acts of consciousness.



These are flying across the planet at a higher level of release than ever before. You are in a temporary time of collective energetic (and literal) constriction when it comes to your freedom of movement and expression on Earth. This raises to the surface both conscious and unconscious fears about what will come next. What will come next is what you all create together, as a world.

So if you are one who is focused on disempowerment, loss or constriction right now as your main truth in this world, become an effective advocate for (and of) freedom and expression. Do not get lost in your own wounds or simply replay your wounds via fights, arguments and reactions to others, as that will only backfire quickly for you.

Recycled wounds no longer have the power they used to have nor do they have the TIME they used to have. Now, what some of you might refer to as ‘Karma’ has sped up, and this means that your ‘out of alignment’ actions will be quickly reflected back to you or will deliver a consequence that is delivered swiftly.

The consequence is quickly delivered SO THAT YOU ONCE MORE BECOME ALIGNED WITH YOUR SPIRIT. There is a positive opportunity within the lesson.

This faster energy is happening worldwide, and so the more you can allow yourself to NOTICE your reactions and release them with love (rather than using them as reactive weapons against others), the sooner you can create

your way into higher realities in your life, consciousness and your way of being.

Equally, finding your firm but loving boundaries will be key as others around you invite you to reactive fights that are not yours to have.

NOTE: For some of you, getting yourself into these kinds of moments with others will not be a mistake. It will BE THE KEY to showing you that it no longer resonates. Avoiding it altogether is not necessarily better - for some of you, experiencing the ‘test’ and noticing you choose differently, react differently or put a new boundary in place will BE THE VERY EVIDENCE FOR YOU that you are changing and upshifting your timelines. You may need to get very close to the fire in order to recognize that it no longer burns you. So for many of you, a small experience of the lesson will be a POWERFUL moment of recognizing you have changed.



There is no ‘normal’ on Earth. Never has been where the soul is concerned. Humans create stories that they agree to share as ‘normal’ but every single one of you has unique perspectives that are entirely different to even your closest loved ones and friends. THAT is normal and perfectly ok. So try to remember this and it will help you step out of the ‘loop’ of recreating the same thing over and over and into the empowered creative timeline where you get to create with new consciousness, new action and new love on the planet. THAT is why you are here.



This is not the time to be shy or cautious in your creations but instead a time to paint boldly, sing loudly and serve excitedly. Why? Because the frequencies on the planet right now (and certainly through October of 2021 will REQUIRE bolder moves, thoughts and feelings in order to rise above the collective weight.

This need not LOOK bold to the outside world necessarily as for some of you it will mean more an internal boldness, but when you dare to be a little bolder in your truth, your words, your actions or your ways, the SURPRISE you will receive is that your boldness will be RECEIVED. And at the very least, will pave the way for you to have both breathing and creative space and rise above the current energies so you are not mired down in the collective healing energy that is now gathering pace.

The heaviness that is clearing from your planet is clearing slowly and collective fear impedes progress. So for you to PROGRESS as a creator at this time you will need to either work on feeling a little bolder inside yourself or taking a bolder action and then letting the feeling follow. Depending on who you are, one of these will be more desirable right now.

And the more YOU embody this energy, the more others can and will feel it, recognize it, and find their way to becoming it.

Dear souls, this is an exciting and creative time for you to be alive, and we are looking forward to helping you remember that through words and frequency in our time together this weekend.

Zachary and the 88 Collective

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Join Us this Weekend for an Intimate Getaway Online!


March 20-21, 2021

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We're excited to host our first-ever, virtual weekend gathering and I hope you'll be part of this special experience...

My intention behind this workshop is to offer you a mixture of both grounded, practical guidance as well as channeled teachings from my guides, The Z's, to help gain an understanding of the energetics that we're navigating on the planet at this time. I also want to explore how to support yourself and others, as well as how to thrive and create in your life right now.

As you know, things in our world continue to be fast-changing and tumultuous so it feels a great time to come together as a community and focus on how to move forward with positivity, strength and innovation. The weekend's teaching will all be delivered live. This way, I can be completely responsive to those of you who attend. You will get lifetime access to the replays and even to those of you who can't attend live but sign up for the replays, that will still put your energy into the mix of what comes through me for this weekend. 

This is not a traditional ‘course’ - this is an experience, and the Z's and I will be speaking directly to the times we are in. 

If you feel called to be with us, my team and I can't wait to welcome you.

Big love,

Lee x

P.S. I will be delivering a written 'Energy Blueprint' for this weekend. We will email you that PDF prior to the course, to give a sense of what's to come and to help you energetically prepare.

Register Now for $88 USD
Portal Members Register for $77 USD

The Experience Includes...

2 Live Broadcasts Featuring All-New Teaching from Lee and The Z's

An Energy Blueprint Worksheet to Help Prepare You for the Experience

A Special Q&A where Lee and The Z's will Answer Audience Questions

Audio & Video Replays Provided within 24 Hours Plus Written Transcripts of Every Session

A Free App (optional) for Easy Access on Mobile Devices

A Private, Moderated Members Discussion Forum (no Facebook Account Required) for Extra Enrichment

Register Now for $88 USD
Portal Members Register for $77 USD

Frequently Asked Questions

About Lee Harris

Lee is a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive and Transformation Guide, who offers grounded, practical teachings focused on helping conscious, intuitive, and sensitive people heal, thrive and live a better life. His book, ENERGY SPEAKS, became an instant bestseller in March 2019, and his intuitive messages reach hundreds of thousands of people every month via his free and highly popular monthly Energy Update videos. With over a hundred audio recordings and online courses for navigating a soul-led life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism, Lee also mentors creatives, healers and entrepreneurs on how to bring their gifts and talents into the world via his IMPACT THE WORLD training program and weekly video podcast. His annual SOUL MAGIC retreats, and workshops held around the globe are adventures into the deepest aspects of living, loving, and awakening. As a musician and artist himself, Lee deeply believes in the power of our creativity for healing, and incorporates sound-healing and creativity into many of his works. Lee and his musical collaborator Davor Bozic released their acclaimed music album AWAKEN in November 2020.

Start Times for Each Live Broadcast

Full Replays of Every Session Provided within 24 Hours

Broadcast #1

Broadcast #2

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Portal Members Register for $77