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Lee is interviewed by Leah Rush and Kyle Boyd, founders of The Heart Coherence Collaborative and the perfect people to speak to heart energy. In this conversation, Lee and his guides, the Z's, unpack some of the themes from his upcoming book, Conversations with the Z's, Book 2. In addition to this heart-centered and moving discussion, Lee channels at the end, answering some of their questions.

(04:21) Multidimensionality and how precious THIS moment is.
(18:24) Fear and love - is there a purpose to both of those?
(32:14) Grief is the great transformer and how to have a better relationship with it.
(43:05) Lee intuitively speaks to Leah about her dog Roscoe, who she recently lost.
(55:03) Repeating patterns of emotions/behaviors and rewiring.
(1:06:18) The importance of fully living today.
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