MAJOR AWAKENING ENERGY - There is an expanded energy range right now between Fear and Love. Feeling weird ‘at times’ is NORMAL. This is a WAVE OF CHANGE that is moving through us.
LIFE REVIEW AND CONNECTIONS - Memories arising, reconnections with past people are happening. People are sharing and connecting more than before - people in your life may be surprising you with how awake and aware their views are (as much as the opposite).
ANCESTRAL ISSUES AND MEMORIES - Ancestral or past wounds/experiences around fear, death and love in this lifetime and from others.
DEEPENING SELF TRUST (vs trust in the outer world or your energy response to your family) - Uneasy process that we are in the early stages of. Trust in yourself becoming a new, loving boundary.
High Highs - Feelings of peace, love, connection and oneness, which are universally driven. The skies are holding a lot of light and love energy at times.
YOU are REORGANIZING - Our feelings and thoughts organize themselves in response to the outer. Re-organizing the house, your desk, your furniture, mirrors and moves that energy.
FEAR WILL CUT YOU OFF from your spirit and your soul - so feel any fear you need to feel (in order to transmute it) but when feeling fear, remember to stay PRESENT.
If feeling fear of the future, FOCUS ON THE SMALL TASKS. It will ground you.
What changes CAN you make right now in your life? You CAN’T do the same routine so what new element could you bring in?
GRATITUDE - Being aware of what you’re grateful for. Both what you’ve already considered and what might surprise you when you sit with it.
We are SHAKING OFF old ways of being, feeling and DOING.
INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY is on the rise and will be especially so in May and beyond.
RISE OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT - Next 1-2 years, we will see a huge rise of the human spirit that is being seeded and developed right now in this quarantine time.
There is MORE TO ALL OF THIS than meets the eye - bigger than a virus, and yes we will learn that in time.